- Should I wait out this drop in the construction trades or start college at age 40?
- Should I go back to college at age 50 for a second degree that will improve my "marketability?"?
- Should I move to where the job market is better—which means uprooting my family and selling my house at little or no profit? Or should I stay here and settle for a job that realizes a fraction of my potential?
- At what point will I take whatever job I can get so we can keep our house?
As we rebuild, I hope to see some new dimensions of economic development emerge—a real attempt to begin making full use of human potential.
Thomas Sergiovanni wrote about "lifeworld" and "systemsworld." (Based on the work of sociologist Jurgen Habermas). The lifeworld deals with goals and purposes and is concerned with culture, meaning, and significance. The systemsworld deals with methods and means and is concerned with efficiency, outcomes, and productivity. He said that the two are symbiotic and that the lifeworld should be “at the center as a driving force for what goes on” while the systemsworld should be "at the periphery." With our systems—infrastructure, health care, financial—in serious need of attention, I think Robinson's book is an important reminder of why we are fixing those systems and the vision to which we should aspire.