Thursday, December 18, 2008

Questions for the Innovation Corps

In my first session with the "Innovation Dream Team" that I suggested in yesterday's post, I would first present them with these questions:
  • What innovation challenges do you foresee for the years ahead? What kinds of teams will be needed to meet these challenges?

  • What kinds of contexts lead to innovative thinking?

  • If you were asked to spend a month in a sixth-grade classroom with the goal of planting the seeds of creative, innovative thinking, what would you do (or where would you begin)?

  • How would you ensure maximum opportunities and support for teacher innovation?
Of course, I would Webcast the session and encourage local groups composed of educators from all levels of the system, students, and innovative people from nearby businesses and schools. I would set up some groups on all the social networks in education like Classroom 2.0 and Students 2.0, as well as in groups frequented by creative professionals like Design21 or Innovation People on LinkedIn.

Imagine the buzz!

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