Monday, October 13, 2008

Tag Cloud for Artful Innovation

I have been intrigued with tag clouds as not only great visuals for a Web site or blog but also good tools for editing my writing. I often cut and paste text I have written into a tag cloud generator (I like TagCrowd) It gives me an immediate look at how effectively I have used repetition of important words for emphasis (as well as whether I have been redundant in my use of language.) For this blog, I think it may help me see how well I am sticking to my stated purpose. (I know I am not doing so well in that respect yet but hope to improve.)

I have decided to add a tag cloud to the Artful Innovation blog. (It's at the bottom). It is based on all the text in entries up to the accompanying date. (I set it at 4 repetitions and the top 75 words total.) I will update it from time and am looking at doing a weekly version for the side column.

Here is one based on this week (2 repetitions, 25 words):

created at

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